Registering events and rides (detailed guide)
First, it’s important to know the difference between a ride and an event. The information below will help you differentiate between the two.
- Ride for regular group rides or socials such as club runs or AGMs. These can be recurring, such as once month on a Saturday or every Wednesday.
- Event for rides open to both Cycling UK members and the public.
Note: we require events with more than 200 riders to be registered with us for insurance purposes.
- Go to your group’s publicity page and select the ‘Node’ tab at the top of the page.
- Here you will see events, child pages and posts related to your group.
- Click Add New Content.
- Click Group node (Event) to add an event.
The following fields are the minimum that we require you to complete for a ride or an event:
- Event type – select ride, event or one of the other options, such as Bike Week Event.
- Name – for example, “Romsey Round 75 miles”.
- Date and time – for example, “02/02/2014” and “09:00”.
- Type – for example, a “road ride” or “AGM”.
- Location
There is help text below each field on the event creation and edit pages.