South Bucks Midweek Cycling Newsletter - August 2023
South Bucks Midweek Cycling Newsletter - August 2023
I hope you find something to interest you in the latest newsletter. If you see a cycling related article, TV or radio programme that you found interesting and can send me a link to it, please do.
There is currently a bug in Cycling UK's software so this may appear without pictures. If you want to see it in all its glory you can view it on our page of the Cycling UK website. Please read the item about Hughenden Valley Village Day on Saturday 15th July and offer to help if you can.
Feel free to share pictures of your exploits on our Facebook page or send them to me for possible publication.
Thinking of joining a ride for the first time? We have a helpful page on our website which should answer most of your questions, but if you want advice please get in contact.
If you spot any interesting articles, cafe changes or want to contribute your observations, please let me know.
Safe cycling,
Peter Robinson